Relief Work during COVID 19

We all are aware with the current pandemic situation and how it’s affected the entire world. Through Gravittus Foundation, we took initiative to distribute essential grocery packets to the community women and importantly to the most neglected transgender. Also, distributed Oximeter to the frontline workers i.e. newspapers reporters who did outstanding work in Covid 19.

During this pandemic situation, when we came across the fact that, people were unable to see their loved ones for the last time, it was an extremely disturbing moment.

“ Our President, Mrs. Usha Kakade wanted to ensure that, people get to see their loved

ones. On this background, special body bags were made and we donated these body bags to Sasoon Hospital in Pune; so that, the face is visible to the loved ones. This little effort goes a

long way in preserving the last sight of those who left us because of Covid 19.